Break Outs

Break outs are no laughing matter!!!!!

Acids and Bases

Most medicines to treat acne are acid based like-
Salicylic acid benzoyl peroxide:
Helps kill excess skin bacteria and dry up excess oil.La mayoría de los medicamentos para tratar el acné son el ácido base como-
El ácido salicílico peróxido de benzoilo:
Ayuda a eliminar las bacterias exceso de piel y secar el exceso de aceite.

Connections to other websites

1 connection to a website is the http://Acids101.wikispaces.come/searchview/acids because ours is neutral and as it says on the site if its neutral it has alot of water.


It's Pimple the clown:)
Found on weebly


the ph is seven because its mostly water in the products for acne.

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